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This video mainly discussed some methods to save the energy. The organisation arranged a topic per month; this one talked about the building. When I did the SI with this video, I reckon it was not too difficult to follow the lady in the beginning and in the end. What was more challenging was the speed and some glossary that I did not know.
Ute will ihre Eltern besuchen. Nach einer Konversation mit Hans schreibt sie eine Email an ihre Schwester. Hans sagt, dass er im März keine Zeit hat. Am neunzehnten verbringt er zwei Tage bei seinen Freunden in Dresden. Er kommt also am einundzwanzigsten zurück am Abend. Am zweiundzwanzigsten hat er einen Termin beim Zahnarzt...und ab dem dreizwanzigsten abreitet er um Geld für die Sommerferien zu verdienen. Ich gabe auf. 這是英國的德文課本第七課第一篇的內容p.75,作者是Tom Carty和Ilse Wuehrer,希望這樣摘一段出來不是違法的。這篇重點是時間、dass後面的子聚動詞要放到最後、另外還有um...zu...的連用形式,代表in order to。 Wann fährt der nächste Zug nach Bonn? Um 11.54. Muss ich umsteigen? Nein, er fährt direkt nach Bonn. Wann kommt der Zug in Bonn an? Um 12.46. Was kostet eine Rückfahrkarte? Mit dem Intercityzug, 32 Euro. OK, ich nehme den Zug um 11.54. Einmal Bonn, hin und zurück, bitte. 這篇則是p.77的會話,詢問車票價錢、時間、還有需不需要轉車。我覺得有一點可以注意,就是歐元不用複數。 接下來這邊是裡面是一對情侶和旅館人員的對話,這間旅館已經沒有空房了,但是女生又嫌其它太貴或太吵,男生就說你真愛挑替,旅館打圓場說那我打去一個民宿好了,男生說egal,這是隨便的意思,但我記得以前老師說egal很隨便,想正式一點會說Das ist zu mir egal(對我來說都可以)。我覺得很多德文對話中的東西很難抓,像da, mal之類的我都很不會抓。 啊...四月七號要考聽力太恐怖了啊QQ
1. Richter magnitude scale of the great Japan earthquake is 9.0, which is the biggest one in Japanese record. 2. 20 thousands people were dead in the 311 great Japan earthquake. 3. One forth people became refugee. 4. There are 35 millions residents in Tokyo, which is a quarter of the total Japanese population. 5. According to a Japanese study, if a Richter magnitude scale 7.5 earthquake happen in Tokyo, millions building will be destroyed and tens of thousands Japanese will get hurt or die. 6. 112 trillion Japanese yen will be lost once a Richter magnitude scale 7.5 earthquake happen in Tokyo. 7. In the next thirty years, it would be possible for another big earthquake happen in Japan. 8. Over 10% buildings in primary schools and middle schools are not being quake-proofed.
The host and Mr. Summers are talking about the economic growth, the situation in today's America, and Hong Kong's role in exporting and importing of China. I reckon this video is not the most difficult and not the easiest one in these five. The problem is because they conduct the context in a conversation, therefore, the speed would not be the same from the very beginning to the end. In my opinion, if I can do CI in this part, it would be efficient. Of course, I have to do my best to prevent doing summary.
This one is really difficult to practice SI. I listened to the video for three times to follow the speed, but it is too fast to deliver. Only some specific part could I do the interpretation. The feature of those part is the order of words in a sentence is similar in both English and Chinese.
Peter Launsky Tieffentiel is an Austrian, so he speaks with a little bit German accent. However, the topic that he talked about is not too difficult to understand. His topic is mainly about young people's innovation in politic, citizen, culture and society. Young people's capability to become a good leader in the future is important and his organisation would help young people to achieve this goal. This video would be a nice example to do SI because the speaker did not speak too fast. Nevertheless, I sometimes think that if I keep waiting for understanding, and keep understanding nothing, and then (as a result) keep being silent, that would be stupid. I mean, basically, active listening is the first priority in SI. If I can successfully handle this part, I can talk about the next part including the speed of delivering and being understood.
The ambassador named Shin Dong Ik has a strong Korean accent, but due to the speed and the context, it is not very difficult. Nonetheless, I still have to listen several times to figure out some words such as nuclear, when he talks about the North Korean government is developing nuclear and WMD. According to him, the South Korean government strongly suggests that the North one stop the policy of WMD and start the policy of people. To sum up, South Korea plays a pivotal part in the problem here.
本篇同樣關於醫藥,這片影片的好處是有The New York Times的文章當資料來源,比較好準備專有名詞。紐約時報文章來源 GlaxoSmithKline plc 葛蘭素史克股份有限公司 kick back 把對方做的事情以相同方式回報 FDA 美國食品藥物管理局 proscribe 禁止 host problem 主機問題 本段影片再講醫生和藥廠之間的關係,有些醫生會拿藥廠的錢,或是藥廠直接送錢給醫生,請他們「推薦」特定藥廠、或特定藥品給患者,從中賺取利潤。另外,也有些做法是藥廠自己寫了關於這項藥品的實驗記錄和結果,投稿到醫學期刊,但是挂名卻不是藥廠,而是和他們有利益關係的醫生。這個過程患者們清不清楚、該不該被透明化、做這些事到底會對用藥、醫療有正面影響還是負面影響,本節目請了各式各樣不同領域的人來討論本問題,包括律師、醫療教育人士...等等。 The video is about the cooperation between pharmaceutical companies and doctors. Some doctors would take money from sales, and recommend specific drugs from specific companies to patients. Besides, some pharmaceutical companies would write articles for periodicals with doctors' names. Should patients know the process, should this kind of cooperation be transparent, and this process's pros and cons to the therapy are issues that discussed in the video. 因為有很多人的發言,所以在口譯時我自己說中文的速度也變來變去,最快的是大約在第八分鐘附近,那位小姐有加速趨勢,但這時我反而變慢了,因為要聽懂說什麼更費勁,結果口譯出來的變好少!但是後來主持人和其他兩位來賓都不算快,而且我覺得一旦抓到中心討論的點就會比較好翻,也可能是先看了The New York Times 有比較懂,大抵而言,我覺得翻得比之前有篇醫藥印度腔好跟口音、先看過報導有關。 Many guests were invited in the TV programme, their speaking speed differs and then influenced my delivering peed. A young lady that appeared around 8: 00 in the video might be the fastest one. However, my delivering speed was not very fast because I had to pay attention to understand her context. Therefore, I only did maybe 50 percentage of her part. But generally speaking, the host and guests were not too fast to catch. Also, it seems that once the core of the video is caught, it would not be too difficult to predict (or maybe to guess, to me) what will be talked about in the next part. Maybe it has something to do with the report from The New York Times, maybe it has something to do with the accent (unlike the previous one with Indian accent).