1. 311東北大震災芮氏規模9.0,為日本歷史最大紀錄。
2. 總共兩萬人在這次地震中死亡
3. 有四分之一成為難民
4. 東京人口達三千五百萬,佔日本總人口四分之一
5. 日本研究地震機構說,若在東京發生7.5芮氏規模的地震,就會造成數以千計的傷亡,許多
6. 芮氏7.5地震發生在東京的話,會損失112兆日圓(311的八倍)
7. 未來三十年發生大地震的機率超過百分之七十
8. 超過百分之十學校建物沒有防震
1. Richter magnitude scale of the great Japan earthquake is 9.0, which is the biggest one in Japanese record.
2. 20 thousands people were dead in the 311 great Japan earthquake.
3. One forth people became refugee.
4. There are 35 millions residents in Tokyo, which is a quarter of the total Japanese population.
5. According to a Japanese study, if a Richter magnitude scale 7.5 earthquake happen in Tokyo, millions building will be destroyed and tens of thousands Japanese will get hurt or die.
6. 112 trillion Japanese yen will be lost once a Richter magnitude scale 7.5 earthquake happen in Tokyo.
7. In the next thirty years, it would be possible for another big earthquake happen in Japan.
8. Over 10% buildings in primary schools and middle schools are not being quake-proofed.