2014年3月13日 星期四


Lawrence Henry "Larry" Summers 勞倫斯薩默斯 美國經濟學家 擔任過美國財政部部長與哈佛校長(爸媽都是經濟學教授就算,他叔叔和舅舅都是諾貝爾經濟學奬得主!也太耳濡目染了這個家庭!猶太人真的數字觀念強大。)

The host and Mr. Summers are talking about the economic growth, the situation in today's America, and Hong Kong's role in exporting and importing of China. I reckon this video is not the most difficult and not the easiest one in these five. The problem is because they conduct the context in a conversation, therefore, the speed would not be the same from the very beginning to the end. In my opinion, if I can do  CI in this part, it would be efficient. Of course, I have to do my best to prevent doing summary. 
This one is really difficult to practice SI. I listened to the video for three times to follow the speed, but it is too fast to deliver. Only some specific part could I do the interpretation. The feature of those part is the order of words in a sentence is similar in both English and Chinese.

Peter Launsky Tieffentiel接任赤坂青隆為國際聯合事務處處長

Peter Launsky Tieffentiel is an Austrian, so he speaks with a little bit German accent. However, the topic that he talked about is not too difficult to understand. His topic is mainly about young people's innovation in politic, citizen, culture and society. Young people's capability to become a good leader in the future is important and his organisation would help young people to achieve this goal. This video would be a nice example to do SI because the speaker did not speak too fast. Nevertheless, I sometimes think that if I keep waiting for understanding, and keep understanding nothing, and then (as a result) keep being silent, that would be stupid. I mean, basically, active listening is the first priority in SI. If I can successfully handle this part, I can talk about the next part including the speed of delivering and being understood.

Shin Dong ik 신동익 是韓國大使

This video starts with a very Korean melody xoxo
The ambassador  named Shin Dong Ik has a strong Korean accent, but due to the speed and the context, it is not very difficult. Nonetheless, I still have to listen several times to figure out some words such as nuclear, when he talks about the North Korean government is developing nuclear and WMD. According to him, the South Korean government strongly suggests that the North one stop the policy of WMD and start the policy of people. To sum up, South Korea plays a pivotal part in the problem here.
I decided not to do this part because this is already a SI between Russian and English.

