2014年5月9日 星期五

Overview of Pharma Industry Marketing Practices



This is a video about pharmaceutical marketing courses run by California University. It is free for people to get record, materials, etc. This is the first video from five. I just finished a video talking about small business act from European repository before I started this one. The later one is much faster than the previous one, but  I then found once I start and keep going, I will be used to the speed. Therefore, I decided to find a super fast video before the exam...

However, there are some problems here. I might translate something, and then suddenly find out oh-no! I made a mistake in the previous part according to what I heard later, or something like this. Of course I am not able to re-interpret. In order to solve this situation, I came up with two ways. One is long-term programme, while another one is a short-term method. For the first one, building general knowledge is my brain is essential. I notice more than one time that something I read before helping the translation, even though I thought those pieces of knowledge were useless. For the second way, I only translate what I understand, especially words. When I hear more things and the adding information can help me to build up the full meaning of the context, I will complete it. Only one thing is worthwhile to notice is don't translate those small pieces until the very end.

2014年5月8日 星期四



This speech is given from an American Lady who works for a long term programme to improve children'd diet in American elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. They tried to make political champions and the government to support the fund. The target is elementary schools, especially for those have more than 15% students from poverty level. This programme would help students building health diet conception in their childhood.
Generally speaking this speech is not too difficult to interpret, but the speaker seemed to be a little nervous.

public health reach,  公共衛生覆蓋範圍, 
to leverage,  充分利用, 
stroke of genius,  創新聰明的主意, 
House of Representatives,  眾議院,
Secretary of Health,  衛生局局長, 
grader,  推土機, 
relentless,  無情的, 
nutrition,  營養, 
Public Health Community,  公共健康社區, 
to market benefits,  上市的好處, 
to catch up with,  趕上, 
produce industry,  生產行業, 
Farm Bill,  農業法案, 
to target,  為目標, 
elementary schools,  小學, 
statutory language,  法定語言, 
intake,  攝入量, 
poverty level,  貧困程度, 
to squish,  壓扁, 
to re-allocate,  重新分配, 
obesity,  肥胖, 
principle (headmaster),  原則(校長),(如果是校長那應該是principal吧?) 
ownership of the programme,  該程序的所有權, 
School Fruit Scheme,  學校水果計劃, 
Cancer Society,  癌症協會, 
to second,  不亞於任何人,最佳 
intake,  攝入量, 
WHO,  世界衛生組織, 
PAHO,  泛美衛生組織(Pan American Health Organization), 
obesity,  肥胖, 
to go national,  ?, 
contagious,  傳染性強, 
public health,  公共衛生, 
political champion,  政治冠軍, 
keynote speech,  主題演講, 
out of the box,  開箱即用, 
snack,  小吃, 
junk food,  垃圾食品, 
wellness,  健康, 
Commissioner,  專員, 
consumption,  消費, 
duration,  持續時間, 
intensity,  強度, 
frequency,  頻率, 
availability,  可用性, 
accessibility,  交通方便, 
US Farm Bill,  美國農業法案, 
pilot programme,  試點方案, 
ecstatic,  欣喜若狂, 
USDA,  美國農業部, 
to get off the ground,  下車在地上, 
evaluation report,  評估報告, 
middle school,  中學, 
elementary school,  小學, 
high school,  高中的時候, 
legislative vehicle,  立法車輛, 
agricultural policy,  農業政策, 
to align,  對齊, 
to get something up and running,  得到的東西運行起來, 
public health reach

2014年5月7日 星期三

Cosmetic surgery in Greece希臘整形/ Turkey and the EU 土耳其和歐盟

Swinging cuts, 切牌
ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), SAPS(美容整形外科學會國際)
liposuction, 抽脂
eyelid surgery, 雙眼皮手術
Botox, 肉毒桿菌
nose job, 隆鼻
boob job, 隆乳
“The Lancet”, 刺胳針》(The Lancet)為世界上最悠久及最受重視的同行評審性質之醫學期刊
“Spiegel”, 德國明鏡周刊
anaesthetists, 麻醉師
operating theatres, 手術室
his take is, 他採取的是
psyche, 心理
currency, 貨幣
straitened times, 水深火熱的時候
to each his own, 自己的選擇
breast augmentation, 隆乳
liposuction, 抽脂
gluteoplasty 墊臀


This video is about after the economic crisis in Greece, people tend to spend more money on cosmetic surgery to have a good appearance since they are not able to get confidence from the government, jobs, and the salary. Through cosmetic surgery, people could get compliments from others. The speaker herself mentioned that once she suffers from economic problems in her daily life, she would rather change the living way than cosmetic surgery. But this is her personal opinion, since Italy is no.3 in loving-cosmetic-surgeried countries and we all know the suck economic situation there.

Community “acquis”, 社區價格收購
attempted coup, 政變未遂
the latest twist, 新觀點
saga, 傳奇
crackdown, 鎮壓
tear gas, 催淚瓦斯
water cannon, 水泡
Angela Merkel, 梅克爾總理
full blown member, 完全成熟的成
Kurdish minority, 庫爾德少數民族
genocide, 種族滅絕
Holocaust denial, 否認大屠殺
GNI (gross national income), GNI(國民總收入)
pipeline, 管道
NATO, 北約
OECD, 經濟合作暨發展組織
waning, 減弱
the “Arab Spring” movement, “阿拉伯之春”運動
keep the lid on, 保持蓋子上
courtship dance, 求愛舞
playing hard to get, 欲擒故縱
SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation), 上海合作組織
a bluff. 虛張聲勢


This video is longer than the previous one. It is mainly about the pros and cons of being an European union membership. I believe it would not be difficult to do the interpreting if the geographic facts and cultural background of Turkey are built in our brain.

Remedica Pharmaceutical Company 一家塞普勒斯的製藥公司

Remedica Pharmaceutical Company 雷馬地卡製藥公司

tablet 藥片
capsules 膠囊
liquid 液體藥
cream 膏藥
ointment 外用軟膏
suppository 塞劑
topical medication 外用藥物
oral powder 口服藥粉
compensate 補償
patient compliance 患者配合治療


Last time I heard about a speech talk about the pharmaceutical company, and this time the video is about s viewpoint from inside of the company.
This video is very easy to understand to understand but difficult to interpret. But I did much better on the second time. This company is from Cyprus, however, the marketing and branch range is worldwide.  Therefore, many countries are included in the video such as Germany, Denmark, Australia, and so on. Besides, it keeps talking about various products in the company, so those mentioned in the keyword list should be prepared. Finally, based on different departments, different things are introduced. Hence if interpreters could have knowledge about R&D, quality department, and warehousing department in advance, things would be much easier.

2014年5月6日 星期二


Moisturizing  保濕
expiry date  到期日
to put it in a nutshell  概括說法
mascara  睫毛膏
dispenser  飲水機
by way of an aside  通過旁白的方式
to no avail  無效
dangers lurk  潛伏的危險
foundation  基礎
lipstick  口紅
girlie tradition  女生的傳統
to pile on the slap
that’s a no-no  這是一個禁忌
mascara wand  睫毛膏棒
bathroom cabinet  睫毛膏棒
grisly details  令人毛骨悚然的細節
festering make-up  過期變質的化妝品
clogging up  堵塞

我覺得這邊注意的重點是,女生會對化妝品名詞比較熟悉,還有音檔中提到的化妝順序,雖然她有點像shopping list但是順序是不能搞錯的。

The core issue in this video is the make-up product which is over the expiration date would damage the skin. Once old make-up products is put on the face, bacteria in the product would contaminate the skin. According to the video, one billion GBP which is the highest number in European countries is spent on cosmetics in England.

It is noteworthy that when doing SI, ladies might have a bigger chance to know more about make up. Also, the order of the beauty routine in the context could not be changed since it is a routine not a shopping list.


Hydraulic fracturing  (油層)水力壓裂英語Hydraulic fracturing,又稱為水力劈裂水力裂解技術)是開採頁岩氣時所用的方法,用水壓將岩石層壓裂,從而釋放出其中的天然氣石油

shale gas  頁岩氣是蘊藏於頁岩層中的天然氣[1]過去十年內,頁岩氣已成為美國一種日益重要的天然氣資源,同時也得到了全世界其他國家的廣泛關注。2000年,美國頁岩氣產量僅占天然氣總量的1%;而到2010年,因為水力壓裂水平鑽井等技術的發展,頁岩氣所佔的比重已超過20%。根據美國能源信息署(Energy Information Administration)的預測,到2035年時,美國46%的天然氣供給將來自頁岩氣。

Kyoto Protocol  京都議定書
Blackpool (Lancashire)  布萊克浦(蘭開夏郡)
Sussex 薩克斯
US Environmental Protection Agency  美國環境保護局
turn a blind eye  視而不見
economic downturn  經濟衰退
jack up  托高
hype  炒作
wave power  波浪發電
energy mix  能源結構
wind farm  風電場
coal fired  燃煤
mothballed  封存
Vladimir Putin  普京
as the saying goes: What’s not to like?   俗話說:有什麼不一樣?
Scaremonger  危言聳聽
get our act together  讓我們一起行動
one-stop permit system  一站式許可證制度


This video talked about the energy problem. It is mentioned that many nuclear power station is going to be shut down. Only one nuclear power station would exist on 2023. Therefore, some Taiwanese who insist to have a new nuclear power station now are absolutely crazy. English people have a dream to replay the glorious times by take advantages from Shalegas.

2014年5月4日 星期日



首先,對方說穿smart casual跟進行OB聊天會千萬不要相信(幸好我沒信),在場誰不是西裝!主講說明會的Y小姐講了半小時三井物產,包括自我介紹跟三井現況,這部分日文大概聽懂百分之九十,接著15分鐘提問時間,日本人提問的很多大家都很積極,討論到進入三井後工作內容和留學制度。


但是,好事只到這。接下來進入六人一組的小組討論,這部分已經開始有三人打分數了,還有人專門記錄大家說的話(還跟我說是學長姐聊天!騙我!),討論主題是假想我要開發新的國外市場,販賣抹茶,選項有ABCD四個發展經濟都不同的國家總共五六張A4 paper,有八分鐘比較優缺點後自己要做一分鐘結論(全部都日文我日文哪這麼好!)但還是硬講了,旁邊日本人們都講超好啊好想死!個人發表完要團體討論,化身工作小組討論出公司要投資哪國20分鐘,最後五分鐘結論,其實分析市場優缺點沒有很難,對我而言難在全日文,結果這時公司追加新情報,決定不外銷而改成在地生產,又有新商業條件,綜合之前情報總結 要投資的國家。




2014年5月2日 星期五

Reimagining pharmaceutical innovation

先看關鍵字keywords list:

hospitalisation 住院治療
underpatent 有專利的藥
10/90 gap 百分之十的錢花在研究百分之九十的病,百分之九十的錢花在百分之十的病
mark up 加價
brand name drug 原廠藥
shareholder 股東
prematurely 過早地
malaria 瘧疾
meningitis 腦膜炎
hepatitis 肺炎
generic drug 國際非專有名稱藥物



This video lasts for about 18 minutes. I wasn't that concentrate in the last few minutes so I didn't follow well. It wasn't difficult to understand the context of the video; however, it is not easy to interpret since the speed was not slow. Here, summary might be a way to deal with this situation. I selected few part that interpreters should be aware, including the name of mentioned illness, and the logic in the context. Based on these details and get some medical knowledge, this one would be simple.

I think patent and generic drugs are essential. Also, one of the important concept he mentioned is the balance between the moral and the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies. The investment from shareholders directly influences whether a company could be in the market or not. As a result, patent drug gets more attention than generic one. In some poor areas, people could not afford the efficient but patented drug, they therefore pay for the cheaper and similar one. However, that one is not good enough to treat the illness. To sum up, the video supplied significant information of pharmaceutical market.