先看關鍵字keywords list:
hospitalisation 住院治療
underpatent 有專利的藥
10/90 gap 百分之十的錢花在研究百分之九十的病,百分之九十的錢花在百分之十的病
mark up 加價
brand name drug 原廠藥
shareholder 股東
prematurely 過早地
malaria 瘧疾
meningitis 腦膜炎
hepatitis 肺炎
generic drug 國際非專有名稱藥物
This video lasts for about 18 minutes. I wasn't that concentrate in the last few minutes so I didn't follow well. It wasn't difficult to understand the context of the video; however, it is not easy to interpret since the speed was not slow. Here, summary might be a way to deal with this situation. I selected few part that interpreters should be aware, including the name of mentioned illness, and the logic in the context. Based on these details and get some medical knowledge, this one would be simple.
I think patent and generic drugs are essential. Also, one of the important concept he mentioned is the balance between the moral and the benefit of the pharmaceutical companies. The investment from shareholders directly influences whether a company could be in the market or not. As a result, patent drug gets more attention than generic one. In some poor areas, people could not afford the efficient but patented drug, they therefore pay for the cheaper and similar one. However, that one is not good enough to treat the illness. To sum up, the video supplied significant information of pharmaceutical market.