Moisturizing 保濕
expiry date 到期日
to put it in a nutshell 概括說法
mascara 睫毛膏
dispenser 飲水機
by way of an aside 通過旁白的方式
to no avail 無效
dangers lurk 潛伏的危險
foundation 基礎
lipstick 口紅
girlie tradition 女生的傳統
to pile on the slap
that’s a no-no 這是一個禁忌
mascara wand 睫毛膏棒
bathroom cabinet 睫毛膏棒
grisly details 令人毛骨悚然的細節
festering make-up 過期變質的化妝品
clogging up 堵塞
我覺得這邊注意的重點是,女生會對化妝品名詞比較熟悉,還有音檔中提到的化妝順序,雖然她有點像shopping list但是順序是不能搞錯的。
The core issue in this video is the make-up product which is over the expiration date would damage the skin. Once old make-up products is put on the face, bacteria in the product would contaminate the skin. According to the video, one billion GBP which is the highest number in European countries is spent on cosmetics in England.
It is noteworthy that when doing SI, ladies might have a bigger chance to know more about make up. Also, the order of the beauty routine in the context could not be changed since it is a routine not a shopping list.
This video talked about the energy problem. It is mentioned that many nuclear power station is going to be shut down. Only one nuclear power station would exist on 2023. Therefore, some Taiwanese who insist to have a new nuclear power station now are absolutely crazy. English people have a dream to replay the glorious times by take advantages from Shalegas.
我覺得這邊注意的重點是,女生會對化妝品名詞比較熟悉,還有音檔中提到的化妝順序,雖然她有點像shopping list但是順序是不能搞錯的。
The core issue in this video is the make-up product which is over the expiration date would damage the skin. Once old make-up products is put on the face, bacteria in the product would contaminate the skin. According to the video, one billion GBP which is the highest number in European countries is spent on cosmetics in England.
It is noteworthy that when doing SI, ladies might have a bigger chance to know more about make up. Also, the order of the beauty routine in the context could not be changed since it is a routine not a shopping list.
fracturing (油層)水力壓裂(英語:Hydraulic fracturing,又稱為水力劈裂、水力裂解技術)是開採頁岩氣時所用的方法,用水壓將岩石層壓裂,從而釋放出其中的天然氣或石油。
gas 頁岩氣是蘊藏於頁岩層中的天然氣。[1]過去十年內,頁岩氣已成為美國一種日益重要的天然氣資源,同時也得到了全世界其他國家的廣泛關注。2000年,美國頁岩氣產量僅占天然氣總量的1%;而到2010年,因為水力壓裂、水平鑽井等技術的發展,頁岩氣所佔的比重已超過20%。根據美國能源信息署(Energy Information Administration)的預測,到2035年時,美國46%的天然氣供給將來自頁岩氣。
Kyoto Protocol 京都議定書
Kyoto Protocol 京都議定書
(Lancashire) 布萊克浦(蘭開夏郡)
Sussex 薩克斯
Environmental Protection Agency 美國環境保護局
turn a
blind eye 視而不見
downturn 經濟衰退
jack up 托高
hype 炒作
power 波浪發電
mix 能源結構
farm 風電場
fired 燃煤
mothballed 封存
Putin 普京
as the
saying goes: What’s not to like? 俗話說:有什麼不一樣?
Scaremonger 危言聳聽
get our
act together 讓我們一起行動
one-stop permit system 一站式許可證制度
This video talked about the energy problem. It is mentioned that many nuclear power station is going to be shut down. Only one nuclear power station would exist on 2023. Therefore, some Taiwanese who insist to have a new nuclear power station now are absolutely crazy. English people have a dream to replay the glorious times by take advantages from Shalegas.