ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery), SAPS(美容整形外科學會國際)
liposuction, 抽脂
eyelid surgery, 雙眼皮手術
Botox, 肉毒桿菌
nose job, 隆鼻
boob job, 隆乳
“The Lancet”, 刺胳針》(The Lancet)為世界上最悠久及最受重視的同行評審性質之醫學期刊
“Spiegel”, 德國明鏡周刊
anaesthetists, 麻醉師
operating theatres, 手術室
his take is, 他採取的是
psyche, 心理
currency, 貨幣
straitened times, 水深火熱的時候
to each his own, 自己的選擇
breast augmentation, 隆乳
liposuction, 抽脂
gluteoplasty 墊臀
This video is about after the economic crisis in Greece, people tend to spend more money on cosmetic surgery to have a good appearance since they are not able to get confidence from the government, jobs, and the salary. Through cosmetic surgery, people could get compliments from others. The speaker herself mentioned that once she suffers from economic problems in her daily life, she would rather change the living way than cosmetic surgery. But this is her personal opinion, since Italy is no.3 in loving-cosmetic-surgeried countries and we all know the suck economic situation there.
Community “acquis”, 社區價格收購
attempted coup, 政變未遂
the latest twist, 新觀點
saga, 傳奇
crackdown, 鎮壓
tear gas, 催淚瓦斯
water cannon, 水泡
Angela Merkel, 梅克爾總理
full blown member, 完全成熟的成
Kurdish minority, 庫爾德少數民族
genocide, 種族滅絕
Holocaust denial, 否認大屠殺
GNI (gross national income), GNI(國民總收入)
pipeline, 管道
NATO, 北約
OECD, 經濟合作暨發展組織
waning, 減弱
the “Arab Spring” movement, “阿拉伯之春”運動
keep the lid on, 保持蓋子上
courtship dance, 求愛舞
playing hard to get, 欲擒故縱
SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation), 上海合作組織
a bluff. 虛張聲勢
This video is longer than the previous one. It is mainly about the pros and cons of being an European union membership. I believe it would not be difficult to do the interpreting if the geographic facts and cultural background of Turkey are built in our brain.