2014年6月24日 星期二

Dining Etiquette

Chopsticks are the main utensils that many Asian people (at least Chinese, Taiwanese, Japanese, and Korean) use during the process of eating. Therefore, I am very familiar with it and comfortably having my meal with chopsticks. Only in a few of opportunities could I try western dining fashion when I went to western restaurants with my families. But actually, since not many people know clearly about the western table manner in Taiwan, I often did not really care about the way I eat as long as the food going into my mouth.

Also, some Asian people even say that Asian people do well on math because we use chopsticks which is good for brain training. I used to accept this thought because, well okay, it seems that foreigners are awkward when it comes to chopsticks. But then I soon realised that the way I use knives and forks and spoons can be really STUPID, especially after arriving the UK.

When I had lunch with British people, I could not help but noticing how they eat elegantly with utensils. I mean, it is absolutely difficult to cut salad and chicken leg and shrimp! I always hold the fork and the knife tightly, try to remove the part I want to eat from the bone, feeling sweating. So shame... At the same time, British people even don't notice the plate. They just concentrate on the talk and successfully finish the course. I know that both American and European people are used to their utensils. However, I still have to say believing chopsticks are more difficult than forks is ridiculous, and I really need to learn them from the beginning.

I found these videos on the Youtube, they are really helpful.

