2014年6月21日 星期六

From Helsinki to Са́нкт-Петербу́рг

It is 2 am in St. Petersburg, and the sky won't be darker any more.

'Russian chicks are hot.'

Sorry about that but you might get this answer if asking a Taiwanese what do you come up with when it comes to Russia, including me. I almost know nothing about this country, the language, and the culture. However, when I was a teenager I read a book named after a Russian movie 'Москва слезам не верит'. Literally in English, it would be 'Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears'. I then did learn something in this book, and as a result, have my own romantic imagination of Russia. The buildings there, the emotion to white birch of Russian people, and the literary masterpieces are so attractive that I picture my Russia until I pay my friend, who is an exchange student in St. Petersburg, a visit in Russia.

It is convenient to use the 72 hours visa free system to enter Russia from Helsinki by the ferry. I was very excited when I just arrived, even though my friend strongly implied me that it is not that easy to live in Russia. She called them battle people. 

I would like to emphasize that St. Petersburg is definitely beautiful. But I did meet some terrible things which remind me the implication from my friend 'it is not was to live here' again and again. Some people stared at me (as well as other asian people). It seems that racial discrimination is still a problem which would absolutely influence foreigners here. Also, flipping fingers were showed to us. Needless to say some people bursted into insulting sentences. Actually, I do not understand Russian, but my friends keep telling me to be careful for those who are giving these words.

Nevertheless, some Russian people also had interactions which are very different with European people (sorry but here I would like to consider the UK as a part of Europe). There is no doubt that European people are polite and friendly. Based on this advantage, they also created a distance, which is farer than Russian people. Therefore I sometimes find that it is not easy to be close friend with British, German, Finnish people. In my opinion, they are so polite that maybe they would try hard to think form others' viewpoints. Hence 'if I say that, would he be angry? if I do that, what would she think? maybe offensive?' In spite of the comfortable atmosphere created by the courteous conversation, it seems that people spend longer time to be close friends. 

Well, I am not going to judge which one is better since people would have their happiest way to act. But really, I was impressed by a Russian girl who was interesting and told me a lot of interesting things. Living in Russia is difficult, and therefore those good things could be presented much more clearly.   

This is exactly what I was looking forward.

