影片總長74分鐘,這是當時還在美國西北大學凱洛管理學院(設立於伊利諾州伊凡斯頓與佛羅里達州邁阿密)當Associate Professor的Scott Stern做的一場跟製藥工程有關的演講,不過後來他似乎到MIT了(MIT新聞)。 大約在第11分鐘時他宣布真正開始,不過因為他語速均勻,又是公開講話,用詞也不至於學術的太過分,雖然我目前沒辦法一下子做完74分鐘的SI,可是我想把這個影片練習完。 Here is a video from Youtube talked about pharmaceutical industry. The total length is about 74 minutes, which is not very short especially for me. But I will still try to struggle with it since the speech is delivered by a professor named Scott Stern. He taught in Kellogg School of Management and then he hopped to MIT. Also, the speed here is not too fast or slow. I reckon I will spend a couple of days to finish it. =============第一次練習結束的心得============== 第一次練習這段影片從第零秒到第十一分半,也就是在他提到歷史之前。 因為同步口譯大概不能落後講者太久,但是我有時候根本還沒聽懂他在說什麼,難道我應該就要講話了嗎(不是吧!)但是,有時候等到我有辦法把這句完整的意思表達出來,都有點變成逐步口譯了,就是他幾乎講完一句我才有辦法說,說的時候又沒辦法好好聽下一句,然後當然之前逐步口譯的問題也有出現,就是聽得懂跟說出來跟本兩回事。 另外,以前同步口譯時我有個習慣,就是閉著眼睛聽,閉著眼睛聽耳朵會變大我覺得,偶爾再看一下圖,因為有筆記輔助,所以不至於看一下圖會全部忘記剛剛聽的東西。但同步口譯我就不能閉眼睛聽啊!還要看講者ppt上放的是哪種圖,在這段影片前十一分鐘,數字多,看圖說故事的地方也不少,整體而言一心多用得實在太厲害,唯一覺得好一點的地方在於,因為這裡數字多是年代(1980s)或者50,000或80,000這種還可以應付,978,346之類的真的會哭。 I finished the part from the very the beginning to 11'30, before the speaker started to talk about the history. Since it is not allowed to be very late in SI, I reckon I got to say something after the speaker says 5 words (?), but the problem is I can't understand the sense in the sentence after 5 words. I waited. It seems that this could not be seen as SI but CI. Also, I can understand doesn't means I can deliver. Besides, I tend to close my eyes when doing CI, but it seems that it can not be applied on SI. Since I can take notes while doing CI, it would not be so difficult to recall what I heard in the video. However, I am not able to do the same thing in SI. Checking the ppt and listening to the speaker at the same time is the core of SI (delivering as well). Before 11'30 in this video, numbers are included, they caused troubles. Only one thing that I might be happy with is those numbers are not really difficult. ああああ、面倒くさい!!!!
Deutche haben eine gemeinsame Sprache, eine gemeisame 1Geschichte und Kultur. Deutsch ist ihre 2Muttersprache. Sie sind ein Volk. Die gemeinsame Sprache 3verbindet sie.
Im4Laufe der Geschichte sind viele Menschen nach Deutschland gekommen und dort 5geblieben; z. B. Polan, Franzosen, Holländer u.v.a.m. (und viele andere mehr).
Viele Familiennamen 6verraten heute ihre Herkunft. 7Rein deutsche Familiennamen sind z. B. Bauer, Häberle, Kaßler, Krüger, Müller, Meier, Neumann, Schulz, Schröder, Vogel usw. (und so weiter).
1. Geschichte [f] n. 歷史 2. Muttersprache [f] n. 母語 3. verbinden vt. 連結 4. Laufe [n] n. 期間 5. bleiben v. 生活 6. verraten v. 背叛 泄漏 7. rein adj. 純正的 乾淨的
Finally the topic of my glossary is decided this week. Firstly, I just thought about doing medical and pharmacy part. Then I adjusted the main part into marketing of pharmaceutical industry. Based on the marketing objects, the subtitles are separated into 'to healthcare professionals', 'to insurance and public health bodies', 'to retail pharmacies and store', and 'direct to consumer advertising'. After this, I am going to look on the glossary of 'controversy about drug marketing and lobbying', 'regulatory capture', and 'pharmaceutical fraud'. These classifications are originally from wikipedia, I think they are useful and important. Also, it is common to see seeking people expert in translation and pharmaceutical on HR websites. Therefore, I am on this way.
==========English adaption, not translation==========
My first impression about SI is the interpreter would start his or her interpreting after the original speaker starts three or four words. Generally speaking, that would be right. However, I still have a large amount things to learn.
In the very beginning of the class, what we practice is called shadowing. It is to repeat what we heard from the record in English. Sounds not really difficult at all. I did the same practice in Japanese classes when I was in my undergraduate studying. The professor recommended this way to improve the pronunciation. But here I reckon the shadowing for learning SI and the same thing for practicing pronunciation of foreign languages are different. What we do in the SI class is to listen and understand and repeat the sentences, for the ability to interpret the record logically, whereas the shadowing in learning foreign languages helps a lot in pronunciation, not listening logically. That is to say, I usually pay not much attention on the context.
Because of the rapid sentences in the record, I have to concentrate on it on every second. But the problem is I am the type that would practice SI and recall those scenes of Attack on Titan at the sometime. I am not sure whether I am the only person who have this kind of problem in the class. In most cases, my classmates said they frustrated because of the listening ability. I am not saying that I am good at listening, on the contrary actually, I just feel that I will give the first priority on solving my absent mind.
Okay, so the task in this week is to find some videos who are shorter than those provided in the class, and concentrate...concentrate...
This is the URL for the video. I would like to strengthen my glossary on medical and pharmaceutical industry area. That's why I used it. (Although those companies that I recently sent resume to have nothing to do with medical.)
I am going to build a new blog, and hopefully the last one.
In the spring semester we (I mean the class) will mainly deal with simultaneously interpretation, and for the first lesson, shadowing. In my realisation, repeating every word with fully comprehension is the task. We started with some 5-minuted record, however, I reckon it is not easy for me to concentrate on the record even though it is not a long one. Not sure if others have the similar problem.